Calling Normal Template Tokens
Text Box content: VIVEZ EN DIRECT LE PARCOURS DE VOTRE TEXTILE !Textarea content: Default text in textarea
Color Picker Hex: 1019cc
Radio Value: 1
Checkbox Value:
Dropdown Value: default
Date Picker Value: 2020-02-20
WYSIWYG editor content: Default WYSIWYG content
Media upload path:
Page featured image (if available):
Conditional If template Example
Using the option named 'boolean' from config. This conditionally shows/hides template dataThis is a conditional. The boolean is currently false.
Dynamic Template Tokens
Boolean set to falseReturn value from cta_example_template_function()
Dynamic Color Tokens
Brightness 5%
Brightness 10%
Brightness 15%
Brightness 20%
Brightness 25%
Brightness 30%
Brightness 35%
Brightness 40%
Brightness 45%
Orignal Color #1019cc
Brightness 55%
Brightness 60%
Brightness 65%
Brightness 70%
Brightness 75%
Brightness 80%
Brightness 85%
Brightness 90%
Brightness 95%
Brightness 100%
Template URL path